
All Wishes

Xavier is a very well mannered 11-year-old with two very ornery brothers (just look at them in the pics and you'll agree!) and a sweet sister. After completing treatments for cancer, he asked for a camper to enjoy with his family. His grandparents are avid campers and he has been on many adventures with them and it's truly what he loves to do. It took General RV a few months to find just the right size unit that would hold this large family, but when they did - it was just perfect! We decided not to tell Xavier that we had finally located a camper for him. His parents brought him to General RV blindfolded, just saying they had a surprise for him and he had not better not remove the blindfold! His siblings were sworn to secrecy to not ruin the surprise! Blindfolded he came into General RV, stopping to have a picture taken in front of the Christmas tree. We walked him to the big warehouse area where (unbeknownst to him because he was blindfolded), about 30 of his family members yelled out SURPRISE, we removed the blindfold, he saw the camper . . . began to cry and turned around and hugged his dad for the longest time, sobbing tears of joy. Many of the General RV team were there to witness his surprise, and there wasn't a dry eye in the place! We're sure that Xavier and his family will make many wonderful memories in his camper.

Ready to become a volunteer?

Let us know how you would like to help and we'll try to match you to some of our wish-granting opportunities!